Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The plague has left...finally!

Well, after more than a month of sickness, today I feel is truly a TRIUMPHANT day, I feel great, and so do the kids, I think we may be over the hurdles that have come our way this last long while! HOORAY!!!! (Knock on wood.) :)

We just got home from having a picnic at the park with some friends and it felt so great to be out and about. The only great thing about being sick is that we get to be reminded about what a blessing our health really is!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blessings and Hard Work

I just want to publicly say how proud I am of Rob's work ethic and humble reliance on the Lord here at law school. At a school where everyone is very capable and intelligent, Rob decided from the beginning that he wanted/needed to have the Lord involved in his studies. He really felt that if he just did his best and then asked in faith, Heavenly Father would take care of him and magnify his efforts. Rob definitely put in a lot of hours working dilligently, but as the semester progressed he really felt Heavenly Father's hand helping him to understand and process everything he needed to learn.

Yesterday Rob's first semester grades came out and we both feel like Heavenly Father answered our prayers to let all of Rob's hard work be visible in his test grades. We feel like Heavenly Father is confirming our decision to come here and is showing us how pleased He is with Rob's integrity and humility. Way to go, Rob and Thank You Heavenly Father! I just keep hearing the voice of my favorite mother-in-law saying, "F-A-I-T-H, FAITH!! FAITH!!"

Monday, February 11, 2008

She's arrived safe and sound!

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Anne-Lorenne is healthy and happy! Hopefully she and Laura will be able to come home tomorrow.

Follow the link to see some photos from the hospital today. More to follow...