Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Victory by accident

Yesterday we finally succeeded in getting Nolan to use a sippy cup. Although it really was a victory by accident. We've been putting the cup in his mouth for the past month or two, and all he would ever do is bite down on it--like it was a teething toy. Yesterday as I fed him lunch I put it in his mouth and he accidently inhaled . . . eureka! His eyes got big as saucers as he tasted the water coming out, and then he started sucking in earnest. I couldn't help thinking that so many of our triumphs, victories, discoveries, etc. happen while we're doing something else--Christopher Colombus, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein . . . So keep on doing good things, because you never know what you might stumble across :)


Mark and Aupreille said...

Such a good point!

Mama KK said...

True, true!

Marguerite Kloepfer said...

Darling Joy! Yes, every point reached in the course of parenthood is a milestone attained--something we can be proud of, though the subject will never remember. I love you, Joy. You're a wonderful Mom!
--Grandmere Tortue

Papa Stan said...

Great insight.
For this the Lord counseled Joseph Smith that the secret to all is to "endure it well" then he can use it to "give us experience" and/or turn it to "be for our good"(see D&C 121/122).
Keep up the good work, great Mama.