Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jared, king of the 21 club

I'm 2 weeks late posting this, but Jared had a great piano recital this month. He performed his 2 pieces without incident (thank heaven!), and then came the award ceremony. He received his gold medal for getting a perfect score on the state music theory test (he knew that was coming). Then he was given the 1st place trophy for most measures memorized during the 2007-2008 school year, out of all of the 50+ students that take from Ms. Ana. 1241 measures, to be exact--printed right there on the trophy. (This was a surprise to all of us). Jared had been first to enter Ms. Ana's 21 club this spring (the group of kids who memorize at least 21 pieces), but I assumed some of the older kids would have a greater total number of measures memorized. His "Mr. lemon-head" grin was going from ear to ear.


Mark and Aupreille said...

Bravo, Jared! Encore, maestro, encore!

Linkous said...

We're so proud of you!!!!! 1241 measures! I don't think I've ever memorized that many!

Natalie said...

It was so fun to be there to see the look on your face! I am so proud of you and hope Sam and Ethan will follow in your footsteps! Whenever I tell Sam that he's a good artist he immediately says: "yeah, just like Jared!" Love you Jared.

jb said...

Wow Jared! That's amazing. I can't even count that high.

Hey, Mom, I can't see real good... is that Luey Beethoven over there?