Friday, January 2, 2009

Rising Star of Settlers

Awesome news people: i beat mom and dad at the christmas Settlers of Catan Tournament!!! WOOHOOO!! the first game i ever won and it was worth something!!
its actually the second tournament that i've won, NERTS, of course, being the first and im looking forward to many more wins as we continue the game fun!


Matt said...

Great to hear of your success Emily! Parabens!!

Papa Stan said...

Bah Humbug!! I don't know who invented this tournament deal every holiday season! As Scrooge would say, "a fine excuse to pick a [parent's] pocket" every Christmas time. Emily took advantage of her aging parents by beating us and making off with the prize money in four tournaments this year!
I may have to agree with Rob and do away with not just bball freethrows, but the whole deal!

Mama KK said...

No way will we "do away" with the tournaments! Even Elder Lopes and Elder Jones and Elder Didier enjoyed the fun. Parabens, Emily!