Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rachel's call!

Here's the video--in 2 parts--of Rae opening her call. I hope you all enjoy her seeing her cute facial expressions and all the before/after fun. What an exciting blessing! We can't wait to hear where Spence will go!

part 1:

part 2:


Matt said...

Thanks for posting. What a great day! Besides the excitement of Rachel's call, I especially like Dad's samba moves and song after hearing that Rae is headed to Brazil! If you didn't catch it, it is worth watching again. :)

Joy said...

Kit gets 2 thumbs up for recording this! The video was a million times better than the conference call. I especially like the hugging jokes in part 2 (after we'd all hung up the phone). Hugs or no hugs, you're going to be a fantastic missionary Rae!

Mama KK said...

Great job, Kit! Thank you so much for recording the joy of the moment! Even Rae's April Fool's joke! Rae, you truly are going to be a terrific missionary. President and Sister Milder are wonderful! We did a mission tour there last year. This is their second time to serve as mission president. Both times they opened new missions! We are talking about spiritual giants!

Mark and Aupreille said...

Congrats Rae, it was so great being on the phone with you and even better to see the video!!

Christa and Rob said...

Aw YAY FOR THE MIRACLES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY! Kit, thank you so much for taking that video! It was so great to get to see you guys(Ryn and Elle are SO CUTE!). It felt like we were right there in Kelly and Becky's kitchen (one of my favorite places, by the way) laughing and celebrating along with y'all. QUE COISA BOA!! (i'm practicing for this summer :) )