Sunday, May 11, 2008

Waffle Irons and a book on CD

I am completely thrilled because today (Sunday) for lunch, i added waffles to my list of things i know how to make!!!! KUDOS FOR EMILY!!! besides waffles theres only box brownies....... ...T-T........BUT this is still a major accomplishment becaaaauuuuuuuuuse mom is still at grandma's house--i.e. i made them completely by myself!!!!!!! yes, there was no one in the kitchen besides me, the ingredients, and the cookbook!! unless you count dad, who was TRYING to help but ended up wandering around the kitchen, occasionally getting in my way. it's the thought that counts, though, right?? ;D


Linkous said...

way to go Em!!!! Martha Stewart look out!

Natalie said...

Hey everyone, I can't see real well, is that Betty Crocker over there?

Rae said...

HAHA! I'm really happy you got the waffles made even though a poor, neglected older sister called and interrupted and Dad got in the way! :) I love you!

Mark and Aupreille said...

mmmmmm... waffles...

Mama KK said...

Yahoo! I am so proud of you, Em! And I love you for taking good care of Dad and Spencer until I got back.