Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I have Returned!!

Hey everybody! If going to Habitat for Humanity, helping dig, shovel, hoe, and lay bricks with getting minimal sun burn damage, and returning in one piece counts as a triumph, than I did it! I got home from the airport a little before 5 am and I've been catching up on everything! Don't worry, I'm just about to start writing about the trip on my blog, but note - my blog needs to get included in the family website somehow. Hint hint. anyways, its great to look on this wonderful website and blogs and read everybody's info! Brilliant everybody!


Linkous said...

you definitely deserve a medal, Spence! and so does Adelia for washing all the clothes you brought home :)

Matt said...

impressive! glad you made it back.

Send me the address of your blog and I will link it to the homepage.

Natalie said...

Spencer, I am so glad to hear about your travels. Thanks for being such a good example of cheerful service! I love you.


jb said...

Looks like we have another architect in the family. Or maybe a general contractor so we can be a design/build team. With all the houses everyone is going to need, I'm going to need some good brick laying. :)